6 boxes: $168/box
12 boxes: $163/box
Introducing the innovative dynamic positioning design, which provides quick and lasting positioning, making wearing more stable and comfortable. Adopting advanced high-definition (aspherical) optical design, clear vision is maintained even in dim or nighttime conditions. The unique ComfortMoistTM intelligent release technology gradually releases moisturizing lubricant factors (Poloxamine), ensuring the lenses are always clear and moist.
Wearing mode: Daily disposable
Water content: 59%
Diameter: 14.2mm
Lens curvature: 8.6
Packaging: 30 lenses / box
Oxygen permeability: 24 Dk/t
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Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
TrueLight Lens
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之前用開另一牌子, 但後黎想試下買平少少既散光con, 結果試左喱隻好唔錯, 價錢合理!